It’s been several years since I’ve posted to my blog. Life has gotten in the way. Well, life has changed. As of May 1 (next Friday) I will no longer be an Intel employee.
Having kids, a full-time job, a wife and other interests can really keep one busy. Recently, it’s felt like life was passing me by and it’s been difficult to be present. I had already been talking to my management about cutting my hours, but then my division decided to offer voluntary separation to anyone who wants it. Since I’ve been with Intel almost 22 years, it’s a nice sum of change.

So I’m restarting my blog and I have a bunch of topics I’d like to write about:
At Intel, everyone is required to write a weekly update. The frequency is no longer weekly, but the concept is still strong. Most weeklies are really boring, mine included, however I’ve been in the habit of including a “random” section with thoughts about whatever. I’ll post some of those here if they are still relevant. My random thoughts were rarely Intel specific
- As an MIT alumn, I have volunteered to be an interviewer in the admissions process and I’ve had the opportunity to speak with a little over 40 applicants in the 4 years I’ve been doing it. 5 have gotten in. I have some thoughts on what traits do or don’t get one a golden ticket to the ‘Tute. I can at least comment on what I’ve been impressed by and what I generally find almost boring.
Also for MIT, I volunteer in the Office of Minority Engineering’s mentoring program. I plan on posting edited versions of the mails I’ve exchanged with my mentee.
- I would like to try my hand (er voice) at podcasting. I’ve approached two friends that I think are a good fit for me.
- Leaving Intel is not easy and it’s triggered extensive soul searching. I have both negative and positive thoughts about Intel’s career opportunities, values, and the extent to which I’ve capitalized on the opportunities available to me.
- Perhaps this falls under the “random” category, but I’ve settled on a particular set of questions that I always ask in work interviews. The scrolling portion of my logo above is my answer to one of these questions.
- Whatever else comes to mind
Restarting after long hiatus