I love to garden. It’s something that my girlfriend
Robie and I do together. Each year we get better, we expand the garden, and learn new stuff on how to get our plants to grow.Robie and I also try to recycle and compost as much as we can and this is includes kitchen scraps. We’ve been pretty consistent in collecting scraps and I decided to take it to the next level.
Vermicomposting. I mentioned wanted to try it to some friends at work and one of them told me his wife has been doing worm composting for over 10 years now. He put us in contact, she lent me her “Worms eat my garbage” book, and even gave me a bucket o worms.
Of course just using a simple rubbermaid container is not enough, so I decided to build some stackable wormbins.
click on any of the pic for a bigger version

here’s a picture of the finished project. It’s made out of OSB, a fairly cheap type of plywood, particle board. I don’t know how well it will hold up to moisture, but I’m hopeful.

Here’s the base, which can also serve as the lid. I’m thinking that this will come in handy when “harvesting” the results in the lowest bins. Also, this libs have holes drilled on the perimeter to allow air.

Here’s a closeup. just a simple miter joint. The rabbet was cut on my table saw.

Here’s the first level. The bottom is 4 1″x1.5″ wood strips, half-lapped together. I then stapled 1/2″ galvanized screening to it. Notice that the sides are tapered. to enable stacking. One level stacks on another by resting on the 2x2s in the corners. Since the sides are tapered, I angled them as well with this jig. Just a piece of 2×4 with a V cut into it.

Here is how I cut the compound miters on the sides. Just a 3/4″ strip of MDF I had laying around. The OSB is about 1/2″ think so I was looking for a taper of about 3/4″ to get a somewhat loose fit between stacks.
That’s it.